Sunday, September 12, 2021

More quotes

Peter every meal in his prayer: "Please bless the food to healthen and strengthen and healthy".  I asked him what that means and he said "That the food will be good."

Liam is 15 months old but he thinks he's as big as the older boys. He remains very vocal, and his favorite word has been NO! this last month. It start out as this cute MO and has morphed into no. He loves to hear people say his favorite word. He perks up anytime we're out and he hears it and then he starts repeating it. He always says it with the same intonation too. The answer to everything, including when he wants it, is NO! We've started teaching him "yes." He bows his whole body when he nods and says yes. It's adorable. He also says "thank you." Any time he hands us something or we give him something he says it. 

He remains a super picky eater. He prefers to nurse every time he sees me sitting down. I started to plan how I'm going to wean him after nursing him from 4:30 a.m. and on. He is finally doing better sleeping. He can *usually* make it from 7:30 p.m. til 4 or 5 a.m. before he has to nurse, and only 0-1 wake ups before then (Lamoni puts him back down). He toddles everywhere - goes up and down stairs, couches, outside and inside. His favorite activities include throwing balls, fetching them and then throwing them again, like a little dog. He also likes to walk around with a couch cushion and fall on his stomach onto it.

I found a note on my phone with all kind of quotes from the boys (mostly Peter). These are all pretty old but so cute!

Hope: Peter, will you buy me that shirt? Peter: No, I'm a little boy! Daddy will buy it. I don't even have a car to go buy it! When I'm 5 maybe 6 years old I'll have a car and then I'll go get you that shirt. But I want you to help me. 

Peter: He looks like Abel (referring to Liam)
Hope: Abel? What happened to Moses (he called him baby Moses for awhile)
Peter: He looks like Abel but his name is Liam Joseph.
Then he leaned in close to Liam and whispered "but I call you Moses."
It's ironic that Liam now 100% of the time calls Peter "Shaun". It's called karma. :-)

Peter told me when the baby comes out he's going to paint the baby all blue and red because "it'll look cool".

I showed a picture to Peter of Jesus hugging a little kid. Peter stared at it awhile then said "it's a little boy named Peter." <3

When Liam was a newborn:
Peter: Benjamin, come on! The sun is awake!
Benjamin: No, I'm going back to sleep.
Peter: I'm going to go see my BABY!!

I was talking to Peter about the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and he said "and then Jesus comes to our home?" I said "maybe" and he replied "and Jesus wakes Benjamin up?" Haha he went through a phase of waking up a lot earlier than Benjamin and he was so impatient for him to get up too.

Peter: Some days I like bread. Some days I don't. 

Peter: It's so good I could die!!

Playing at church during a talk Peter heard the speaker say "Joseph Smith was obedient". Peter called out "Just like I'm obedient!" Yay for all the positive affirmations we speak into him!

I walked in to make sure Peter was asleep for his nap. He was sitting on his bed and had the curtains open. After I closed the curtains and chastised him for not sleeping he said, "but mom, I was talking to Jesus!"

We went to visit a sick friend who had a jar of candy in the room. Peter begged me quietly the whole time for a piece of candy. Of course I said no. As we were leaving the husband offered the boys a piece. When we got outside Peter held it up to me and said "Haha I got candy!!"

We left at 5:30 a.m. for skiing. On our way Peter said "Oh no! I forgot my schoolwork!" then begged me to turn around to go get it.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Peter Quotes from the last few months

P: Mom, can you turn the shower colder? Just a little bit. Just sip colder.
A minute after I turned it a "sip" colder...
P: Actually a BIG sip colder please!

Me: You didn't stuff things under the bed did you?
P: Ummmm....
Me: Do you want to check it before I do? 
P: Yes. (proceeds to tuck in anything that was sticking out from under the bed). Yep! Not a single thing!
When I pulled everything out from under the bed he said, "That was from later on."

Benjamin: Do you think type 3s (a personality thing) all like tigers? Liam and Nathaniel both love them. Maybe it's the aggression.

Peter: Lok at the toy mom!
Me: Oh wow. 
Peter: No look! There's poop.
Me: Eww yuck! Is it your poop?
Peter: Uhhhh....ummmm.. Probably.

Peter: It's nice out here. It's coldish warmish. It's like this type of cold but it's actually warm.

Peter kept asking for Wah Wah Boo Boo and I had no idea what he was talking about. Later when we drove past Whataburger he said see! There's Wah Wah Boo Boo. 

After telling Peter something multiple times he said, "Oop sorry, I was in my nothing box."

Peter: Benjamin I'm 6!

Ben: no, you're 5. 

Peter: I know but...look at this picture I drew! Do you think a 5 year old could draw this?!

Peter: Benjamin, I know I'm not 6 but look what I drew!

Me: Who taught you to use the knife to trace the feathers on the wing? That's such a good idea!
Peter: My brain told me! I'm a smart guy! And unique.

When Peter is having a hard time I rock him in the baby's room with a blanket and sing to him. Usually he's just tired and falls asleep. A couple times I sang to him I noticed he made these disgusted faces while his eyes were closed. I figured he was just making faces for the fun of it, but one day I asked him why. He said, "you're singing me baby songs!"

Peter had a fever earlier in the summer and asked me, "Mom will you rock me so I can fall asleep automatically?"

When it's sprinkling outside Peter calls it "dripping." Like "Mom! It's dripping again outside!" He hates the rain and refuses to leave the house if there are dark clouds.

Peter: "This would be a good time for you to unbuckle me."

Listening to A Sky Full of Stars...
Peter: Mom, this is also a good song cuz it says "I wanna die". 
Me: Is that good to want to die? 
Peter: Yeah cuz Jesus died.

Peter to Liam who was kicking him: That is inappropriate Liam!