Sunday, June 13, 2021

Liam First Birthday and Nov pt 2

 Liam has been changing so much the past few weeks! He's our little parrot and mimics the sounds, words, signs and things we do. It's adorable. He "says" and signs bye, thank you and all done. He also says Uh-oh, Dada, Mama, Jesus and Alexa. By "says" I mean we know what he's saying but an outsider might not. :-) He started walking the week before his birthday and loves the attention and praise he gets when he walks. He'll walk just for the attention. He also screams very loudly for attention. At the store I left him for a moment to grab something and he did *that* scream. Passerbys commented "Wow, that baby sure knows how to get what he wants!" And he does. 

He likes to eat bananas and cheerios for breakfast. Corn tortilla quesadillas for lunch, and beans for dinner. He likes to snack on crackers and gold fish. He's frequently seen carrying Peter's apple cores around the house finishing them off. He also has special places he puts his food and later retrieves. On of those places is under the couch. He'll lie on his stomach to reach something under it, take it out, snack on it then put it back for later. He also has a stash in the pantry. He is ridiculously smart. He also enjoys eating and grinding his teeth on rocks. If we try to feed him a bite of new food, though, he acts like we're attempting to poison him. 

He likes to wake up every 2-3 hours to nurse all night still. We're cracking down on him, though, so he only nurses before he goes to bed and at about 6 a.m. Lamoni takes him in between. I hide, Lamoni brings him into our room and shows him "Mama's gone!" so he'll go back to sleep. He's nursing a lot less during the day because he's so distracted, so he's lost some weight! He only weighs 21 pounds now. 

I know this picture is blurry, but this is an expression he makes often and I wanted to remember it. He says "oooooh!"

Vitamin bottles are a favorite toy

He eventually agreed to touch his smash cake.

Peter helped demonstrate.

Liam absolutely adores all animals

Proud of himself for crawling up Charity's stairs.

Benjamin made this WWII plane for his friend, Camden

Peter, what are you doing? 
Listening to Alexa.

Our gifts lost all their bows long before Christmas.

More pictures of the cake because they're adorable. :-)

Peter is Santa and Benjamin is a reindeer.

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