It was so nice having Liam around the holidays so that we had lots of quiet family time at home. Lamoni took 2 weeks off and had additional days for the holidays.
Kathryn, Jacob's girlfriend, came over often and held the baby.
He is such a sweet, good baby.
This is a picture of my awesome husband during the early mornings. He would take the baby from me and go downstairs so I could get some sleep after being up for nighttime feedings. He wouldn't turn on the heater because I have a hard time sleeping in the heat, so you can see he would put a hat on and bundle up with blankets.
Obligatory blow out diaper picture.
Peter can't get enough of Liam. He is so high energy that Liam is starting to recognize him quickly. I'm pretty sure he flinches sometimes when he sees Peter coming. :-)
And this is why my babies get so chubby so quickly... The picture on the left is milk from a friend. The dark one on the right is mine. If you look closely you can see ripples of cream in it.
Liam responds well to Benjamin's calming presence.
Poor Liam is so gassy. It makes it really hard for him to sleep. He cries out in pain often. We've tried a few things that haven't really helped. He does like to lie on his stomach on Lamoni, though.
4 week check up
Family picture at the birth center.
Liam loves to stare at the Christmas tree. I'm sure the lights and bright colors are what catch his attention.
Some nights I'd go to bed early (early for us is like 10 p.m. haha) so Lamoni would hold the baby and watch a movie while I got a couple hours of sleep in.
A friend from church gave us the cute bowtie and another friend from church gave us the adorable shirt.
Good times at Grandma's house. The kids enjoy playing Santa Claus. They're old enough to have lots of excitement and anticipation about him coming.
Benjamin will do his schoolwork while rocking the baby in his Rock and Play with his foot. Liam likes movement.
This is his favorite way to have his pacifier. Up against his mouth but not sucking on it (he will suck sometimes).
Baking chocolate chip cookies
Benjamin helped Peter make this pirate costume.
Lamoni and the boys were asked to participate in our ward's nativity scene for our church Christmas party.
Our ward Christmas party at church.
Melinda was able to come visit again. Lamoni, the boys and Melinda went to Santa Fe for the Santa Village. Peter thinks Santa lives in Santa Fe because of its name. :-) Later that day we went to a church that put on "A Night at Bethlehem." It was geared towards children and had a lot of fun crafts for the kids.
All dressed up for church! I love this outfit, but my babies are usually small enough to just wear it once before they outgrow it. Liam was no exception.
The day that Melinda left and Lamoni went back to work I had a really hard day with the boys. While I was on the phone with insurance for TWO hours this happened to our back door. I won't go into details on the story because I am trying to forget it.
Tasting limes
Joy is such a big help! It was sad that she was sick for a couple weeks after he was born so she stayed away, but when she was healthy again she got in good baby snuggles.
This is where I practice cello with Benjamin. It's nice he can take pictures now!
Benjamin lost his first tooth! Just days before he had asked when he would lose a tooth and I told him he would probably be 7 because both Lamoni and I were, but then all of sudden he had a loose tooth and it came out soon after! I pulled it out at Grandma's house.
His new toothless grin
We're a full house when we're out shopping!
Lamoni played guitar for the Christmas program and sang on a different song!
Uncle Joseph came to visit and showed Benjamin his cool motorcycle.
Snuggles with Grandma Kara
And Aunt Diana
Peter trying to nurse the baby when he was fussy.
Christmas Eve Nativity Play at Charity's house
Christmas morning! Every year I feel like it gets more exciting and fun as the boys get older.
Peeking over the balcony Christmas morning.
Lamoni got his present later at Grandma's house since we were hiding it there.
Santa brought some fun games.
The day after Christmas we all went skiing! It was Lamoni and the boys' first time. I didn't ski since I had Liam but it was *so cute* watching the boys once they figured it out. Lamoni was a natural! Everyone went on and on about how good he was.
The bunny hill had this ramp that brought you to the top. I wish they had one of those when I was a kid! I was amazed at how good Peter was at skiing at just 3 years old! He picked up on it right away.
Poor Lamoni had to figure out how to ski and help the boys at the same time.
We found this lounge near the restaurant and camped out. Grammy and I did family history all day. It was great. :-) It's one of my favorite things to do. I wish I could fly out and spend a week with her just doing family history.
I think one of those dots are Lamoni.
This was a historic moment. I've always seen pictures of other people's kids so wiped out that they sleep anywhere but it has never happened to my kids til now! This was at the end of the day.
Joseph was a big help with skiing and then carrying Peter to the car.
More time with Grammy.
Grandma and Bampa came again on the 27th to do Christmas with us and for the baby blessing.
Benjamin had his Suzuki book 2 recital on the 28th.
At the end of the recital Peter played part of a twinkle variation.
Katheryn played a song on violin.
And Ryan performed a piece on cello.
This is what our house looked like after the recital! We fed everyone dinner and then had smores with the fire pit that Faith and Jason gave us.
On Sunday, December 29th, Liam was blessed. It was fitting because Liam's middle name is Joseph, and he's the 3rd child. My younger brother, who is the 3rd child, is Joseph and was born on December 29th! A neat coincidence. Lamoni blessed Liam. Here is the blessing:
Standing in the blessing circle was Bishop Aries, President Saxton, Mike Lanctot (Papa), Bishop Aries, Corbin Craig, Jacob Lanctot, Michael Lanctot, and Jarrett Decker.
The name by which he shall be known upon the records of the church is Liam Joseph Sam. Liam, we also give you a blessing at this time that you will be blessed with health and strength throughout your life. We also bless you that you will have the steadfastness and faith of Nephi, and do what is right. And that you might have the gift and spirit of revelation, as did Alma. And that you might be courageous and strong, as Captain Moroni, in defending truth and freedom. That you might be able to stand and withstand the evil day, being raised spotless and clean as you have faith and trust in your Savior, Jesus Christ. We bless you with the spirit of compassion and understanding of others' trials and burdens, and that your compassion may be the means of bringing many unto Christ. We bless you also that you will be able to have happiness as you come unto Christ through your daily activities of study and prayer. You will have good success in all that you do. These things we bless you with in the sacred name of Jesus Christ.
It was the first time in a while that all 9 siblings were together so we managed to get a picture!