Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sam Family Reunion

We congregated in Breckenridge, Colorado this year with Lamoni's 5 siblings and parents. We stayed in a 7 bedroom, 8 bath cabin. Benjamin has been looking forward to it for months and enjoyed every minute of it.
Jared stayed with us Monday and Tuesday and then drove up with us on Wednesday. That was a fun kick-off to cousin time. Peter of course didn't sleep a wink for the 6.5 hour drive. I'm a little curious to see what our 24 hour drive next month will be like with him...

On a gondola. Yesterday Benjamin asked me, "when can we go on a gondola again?" Peter didn't want to be held or sit down while we were on it. He just wanted to run around it despite the jerking of taking off and landing at the different stops.

For the kids' talent show Benjamin played a few songs on his cello. He sat down to play even more but I stopped him because he would've gone on forever! He loves to have an audience. We're past the hard "3 year old stage" of lessons and practice. He now complies with almost everything Miss Lisa and I ask of him. It's so much nicer than fighting him on every single thing.

Peter's favorite thing was to walk around and explore unrestrained. We went into the city to walk around (imagine 19 kids walking around a tourist town all together!) so I mainly let him go where he wanted and followed. 

Some cool art-exhibit playground equipment were up. I think the men had as much fun as the kids did.

19 kids 9 and under in 1 cabin. Here are a few of them.

Lamoni found a fun hike. Benjamin hiked the entire thing himself! I brought an extra carrier just in case. Peer pressure is a beautiful thing. It was 3 miles! This is the kid who, after taking one step out of our hotel room last month froze and asked me to go get the double stroller from the car so he wouldn't have to walk downstairs to get breakfast. Needless to say he ended up walking.


This is where we took family pictures. It was idyllic.

More art in Breckenridge.

S'mores and fun in the backyard.

August update

Peter can say a bunch of words: Dog, Duck (they sound the same), Dada, Mama, Bye, Thank you. He also has a certain set of screeches that communicate a variety of things. I've counted about 12 words.
Peter has hit ever since he could control his arm movements. The usage of his swatting has greatly increased these last couple months. He will walk by someone and just swat at them no matter their innocence and without any thought on his part. Its usage is increased when he's tired. We have curved the swatting with giving high 5's . It works sometimes. He also enjoys biting. It doesn't help that we play bit with him for a long time so he thinks it's funny. He is a very smart baby and just as sweet as he is feisty.

Benjamin can play all 7 twinkles on his cello and is starting French Folk Song to surprise Miss Lisa. Cello group class and Joy School just started up.
I have such deep and profound conversations with Benjamin. You can really communicate with him like an adult. We had Ali Ennenga, a former school teacher, watch the boys recently and she said the same thing - that it's like conversing with an adult, not a 3 year old. A couple of things on the top of my head are:

*In the bathroom on our trip to Colorado there was a picture of a skunk. Benjamin said, "The skunk has its tail raised to spray at its predators. That's how it defends itself." Or something along those lines. Predator? Defend? Wow!

*Trying to sound cool, asking a 9 year old boy if he's read "Little Prairie and the House."

*"I just thought of something: Batman is the ULTIMATE testament".

* Me: "How did you sleep?
   Benjamin: "Difficult. Peter woke me up 2 times. One time during the night and one time this morning. That's why I'm still rubbing my eyes."

Peter is either feeding himself or won't eat at all. It's debatable whether more gets in his mouth or on him.

2 of Peter's favorite things - animals (which he calls dogs) and kisses.

Katheryn spent some time with us while Charity and Jarrett were moving.

Our swamp cooler went out and it took 6 days to repair it! Talk about miserable. Most days it was 87-89 degrees in our house. We endured for the most part, I taught elsewhere and we tried to stay away during the day. One night, though, our landlord sprayed some sort of rust remover and the smell was so strong in our house even a few seconds in it made us dizzy. We left for a few hours and came back at 9:30. It was still too strong to stay in. So we spent a bit of time trying to decide what to do and ended up going to a hotel finally at 11 p.m. Even though we got a hotel that was $100, marked down from $140 it was a total ghetto sketchy place. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. I had managed to keep a somewhat good attitude about the situation up til that point and then I lost it. :-/ It was a very very hard, character-building week. I hope we never have to go through that again.

Benjamin at physical therapy for his flat feet - Peter loves to be included.

At a swim party for a friend's birthday. Benjamin is getting more and more comfortable in water.

Peter can be as feisty as he is sweet right now while he's learning how to control himself. He threw a toy helicopter at Benjamin's face (not maliciously).

Ahh, what a cute little guy!!

Peter goes to his book shelf numerous times a day to pull out books and look at them. Sometimes he'll even put the book back when he's done. Lately he's been bringing the books to me to "read" to him (point out the pictures). His attention span isn't quite long enough to sit through a whole book yet. He mostly enjoys turning the pages and pointing out "dogs". 

Going on a walk around the neighborhood.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Both sitting and both playing with tractors. Peter likes to attack Benjamin while they're in the stroller. It would be nice if there were a divider that he couldn't reach over!

Playing at the park

In Nashville, TN for a conference at the Opryland hotel. This is the first time that Benjamin happily played in the water - he still thought he was dying if water got near his eyes, though.

On our way back home we stopped at church and let the boys play in the nursery a little bit before we drove for 18 hours.

Letting him stretch his legs at a rest stop. 
Eating dinner at our favorite place in Oklahoma - Braum's

Faith had a miscarriage that left her bed-ridden for 4 weeks. For one of the weeks Charity, my mom, and I split up the kids. Lydia stayed the whole week with us but we had the others on and off too. Here we are going to Chick Fil A with Katheryn, Adelina and Lydia.

This is how Peter eats watermelon. He takes it very seriously.

Ryan made a pool for the nieces and nephews to swim in. He is so creative.

Walking on the "bumpies" - Benjamin's favorite.

From Lamoni: Benjamin has been into making faces while taking pictures. He thinks it's due to Uncle Michael's influence of snapchat.

Benjamin has been going to physical therapy every week to help strengthen his feet and ankles because he has flat feet. Lamoni does too and has had a lot of pain in his feet and knees from them. I'm hoping we can avoid that with Benjamin.

The boys play adorably all the time. I couldn't ask for them to get along better. Benjamin is caring and giving and Peter loves to play with Benjamin. They'll wrestle and Peter usually ends up smothering Benjamin or sitting on his head while they both laugh.

This is how Peter eats any fruit with a peel - oranges, apples, peaches, etc.

Walking with Katheryn. Peter likes to attack her too.

At the Natural History museum. It's for older kids but the boys still enjoyed themselves.

Family movie night.

At the splash pad with some friends. Don't you just want to squish Peter?!

It must be a Native thing... they like to lie in the sun.

Independence Day hike at the Sandia mountain

We met up with a co-worker of Lamoni's and his wife afterwards for ice cream. Benjamin fed Peter his.

At the zoo