Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Peter 3 Months

Peter has had a cold the last two weeks and we were in Minnesota the week before that so things have been off. Between not being able to sleep from being stuffy and just growing up he is so much more awake and alert than a month ago! He is starting to get his naps on a routine and still prefers to sleep in his swing. Night times have been tough because of his cold, so we haven't been getting much sleep. I wish there was a way for him to sleep more upright so his congestion could drain! They should sell those tilting baby beds that are at the hospital. Lamoni has been sleeping on the couch while Peter is in the swing so I can get a couple good hours in before he sleep nurses the rest of the night. After he was hysterical for a couple 45 minute periods where nothing would soothe him I took him to our nurse practitioner and she immediately knew he had an ear infection when I told her. Sure enough he has a double ear infection. She said most doctors would just write a prescription for antibiotics since he's so little, but because she takes a more natural approach when people want she gave us suggestions to help with it before doing antibiotics. So far so good! He has definitely made improvement in the last two days since we saw her. We're supposed to call today to follow up with how it's going.

He hasn't been very smiley since he hasn't felt well, and he's in general a pretty calm baby. Whenever Lamoni gets home Peter smiles and laughs with him. He already knows Daddy = fun!

He is in 9 month clothes for the most part. His pants are still 3-6 months. He is getting back to nursing every 3-4 hours after his nurse splurging during his cold. I'm sure he had a sore throat because everyone else did too (except for me :-)

Likes: Watching Benjamin. Benjamin loves playing with him too. I noticed that sometimes Benjamin talks loudly on purpose trying to wake him up, but not much phases Peter when he's sleeping! I can even vacuum under the swing while he's sleeping. So different than Benjamin where a light "click" would wake him up.
Other likes: Rock and play, bouncing on the yoga ball, being upright, standing on our legs, the itsy bitsy spider song, Popcorn Popping, riding in the Ergo, being sung and talked to.

Dislikes: When I eat spicy food. :-/ Benjamin talking too close in his face, having his nose suctioned out, me trying to feed him when he's not hungry. This is a constant struggle because I have so much milk. I try to feed him so I can get relief but when he's not interested there's nothing that will get him to latch and I don't want to pump so I don't make more... I still make ridiculous amounts of milk. He drowns and coughs every time he nurses. Poor guy. He takes a few gulps, comes off sputtering as milk sprays everywhere then attempts a few more gulps etc. This is how most nursing sessions go. I can pump 10 ounces easily and still have more milk, but that's as much as the bottles hold. When I look at the frozen milk it is dark yellow and splotchy with all the fat.

He still has his blue eyes. Even though he is so big he still feels like a newborn with his squishy soft body. He has good head control, but has sporadic muscle movements still and jerks around with no warning (every time I turn the faucet on...) so we still have to be careful. Sometimes people holding him don't realize that because of his size and hold him like he's older (or even by his arms!). There have been a few close calls.

He gives kisses already! I thought it was just me imagining things, but Charity was holding him the other night and said the same thing.

My favorite part of the day with him is when he first wakes up in the morning. Usually it's between 8-9 a.m. He starts making baby sounds and Benjamin and I run in there to greet him and talk to him. He is happy and all smiles.

He had 3 blow outs like this 3 days in a row while I was out! I thought I liked Costco diapers but I really think Huggies is the only way to go.

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