Monday, January 11, 2016

Coming home from my parents tonight...

Benjamin: Grandma Kara is your mom.
Me: Wow, how did you know that???
Benjamin: Cause I a genius.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

December 2015

Christmas with a 2 year old is *so* fun! He loved the lights, trees, stars, Santa, ornaments, presents...everything a ton! We still haven't put our Christmas decorations away (that's happening tomorrow) and I'm afraid he's going to have a major melt-down. Almost every night he prays he says "thank you for the star on the tree". He enjoyed Christmas morning passing out the gifts - "This one yours Mama?" and was a very good sport about opening presents and not acting spoiled. Santa gave him a basketball hoop. He did have a little too much sugar between the candy and treats. We didn't even do that much candy in the stockings, but I need to remember next year not to do ANY candy because there's candy everywhere, he doesn't need it at home too! We're still trying to wean us all off the sweets - they seem to be everywhere still.

Benjamin has been really into Star Wars since the new movie came out. He and Lamoni have lightsaber fights daily (They skipped today in honor of the Sabbath. That was a hard one.). They play really rough and both of them get into it. Benjamin makes the Darth Vader breathing sound as he walks around looking for Lamoni and says "Luke, I am your father!" before getting him. He also puts his hand up to use the force. In fact, Lamoni likes to put his hand up and his the force to open automatic doors. I guess Benjamin caught on, because as we got to a store that had a non-automatic door, Benjamin put his hand up to open it and fully expected it would work!

We hung out with Faith and Jason the last couple nights. This was our conversation on the way over there one night.
Me: Benjamin, do you know where we are going?
Benjamin: Uncle Jason's house!
M: Who else lives there?
B: Uncle Faith, Natalie, Lydia, Adelina, Jared.
M: Faith is a girl so we call her Aunt. Boys are uncles.
B: Oh, okay. AUNTIE Faith.
M: What about Marie and Uriah?
B: Yeah, My Riah!
M: (wondering why he always calls him My Riah) It's UR-iah (then realizing that it sounds like Your-Riah, which is why Benjamin always calls him My-Riah!!!! :'-)
B: Marie is tall (their high school German exchange student).
M: Marie is tall?
B: Yes. Like a mountain!

Lamoni was playing with a puppet raccoon tonight asking Benjamin questions. He asked him his name, age and where he was from. At the last question Benjamin answered "Albuquerque!" It was adorable.

We finally got a call that Robertson Violin Shop got a cello in Benjamin's size so we got to go pick it up last week! I think it's a little on the big side and definitely affecting his postures. It is 95% play, though, and only 5% doing anything productive with it. He asks to play it about 10 times a day. I give in about 5 times. He doesn't like me to help him with it, just wanting to play long bows on C string and sing songs with it. He insists I play the piano with him since he sees me accompany my students. I wish he would notice how I tell all my students what to do and how they listen instead of argue with me. It will be interesting being the parent instead of the teacher! I plan on doing things myself with him until school starts in the Fall. I figure he can use the practice learning how to follow instructions and get at least some basics before putting a teacher through a 2 year old. I was happy to see some things are sticking so it gives me hope. On day 1 I told Lamoni maybe we should do violin with him after all since at least there I know what I'm doing!

Lamoni has been off of school for almost a month and we're both loving it! It's so nice to have his help and Benjamin loves spending the days with him when I teach. It's much less stressful and I'm dreading him going back to school/work. Tomorrow is technically his last free day because he's working Tuesday/Wed/Thurs, then we're in LA for a business function Friday-Monday and everything is back up on Tuesday. I've been trying to fit in everything we normally don't have time for - getting cars in for oil changes, doctors appts, etc.

I am now 20 weeks. We found out we are having a boy and are name him Peter! This pregnancy is flying by. I am still feeling great. My pants are getting uncomfortably tight now, so I pulled my maternity pants out yesterday but am still not ready for them - they just fell down. So I need a good in between. More shopping! Charity lent me all of her cute maternity clothes so I've been enjoying all her shirts! Unfortunately she only has capris, though. To give you an idea of the difference this pregnancy, during the first trimester with Benjamin, I was sleeping with a body pillow and 4 other pillows because of how uncomfortable I was, and I would still be up for a good portion of almost every single night. I don't think I slept a full night his entire pregnancy. Now I'm halfway through my 2nd trimester, and I just now upped it to a second pillow since baby Peter doesn't let me sleep on my back or stomach anymore (he kicks and squirms til I move). It's a rare occasion that I have a night I can't sleep. On a side note, I have felt Peter move since 14 weeks, and Lamoni felt him move at 18 weeks! Benjamin totally gets it and is very excited about his brother. He brings me toys for "baby Peter" and Peter has even kicked him when he's on my lap! He likes telling people all about it.

Here are some pix:

Compare the weather in the two pictures. It was back and forth all month.

He does NOT like sun or wind in his eyes.

Proud of the puzzle he did all by himself.

He's not asleep, but I'm as shocked as you are that he lay down out of his own free will.

The cold weather has brought dry skin again. He scratches nonstop. We finally found an ointment that keeps his skin moisturized enough that his skin is starting to look normal again.

He loves fire trucks. We saw one in the grocery store parking lot. He's so small next to it!

At the river of lights walk with some friends.

In our new snow hats.

My first cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast. I was even impressed with how they turned out and usually I don't like things I make.

Katheryn loves to attack Benjamin's hair...and ears...and eyes...and anything she can get her iron grip on.

Out to dinner. This is still the face he makes when we tell him to smile.

Santa Clause at our ward Christmas party. Lamoni and I were in charge of the program. It turned out nicely but I'm sure glad it's done!

Walking around the temple grounds on Christmas Eve.

Batman galore. Bathrobe from Courtney and Rob, beanie from us.

He went from toy to toy (not sure what to play with) all day on Christmas and the few days after.

Our matching sports jackets from my parents.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Benjamin recently started standing up and using the toilet. He has only done it a few times and with the help of Lamoni. Last night I was in a big rush to get him in bed so I could go to a meeting. Joy was over to babysit. I stripped him down and sent him to the bathroom while I went to get his pajamas. As I grabbed them I heard him yell from the bathroom "Mama! I pee all over!" I ran in there. It was pitch dark and he was standing on his stool in front of the toilet. I turned on the light to find urine all over the toilet, the rug, the bathtub, him...everything. Tons of it. I pick him up and set him on the floor while I started cleaning it up. As I turned around I saw him lying on the floor rolling around to get the pee off his legs! Ahhh!! It was pretty funny.

Another toddler boy bathroom story I can't remember if I shared or not: Lamoni took him to the bathroom at church. After he washed his hands he turned around to get Benjamin. Benjamin happened to be over at the urinals playing with the plastic drain cover that goes in the urinal! :-/