When Benjamin goes to sleep he has to have 3 specific blankets - his doggy, red, and monster blankets. Blankets are definitely his comfort item. He calls them "blankelets."
He has been calling me "Hopey" not Mama. It doesn't bother me too much, but it bothers Lamoni so he has tried hard to get him to call me Mama. However, Benjamin just digs his heels in further. It's not all the time, so we just put up with it. I started calling him Jared (his cousin) when he calls me Hopey, which he thinks is really silly, so we joke about it now.
The living room is "home", not his bedroom. If he's in his crib and wants out he'll adamantly point towards the living room and say "wanna go home! go home!"
There is a primary song called "I Love to See the Temple" that he absolutely loves. It is his song request every night when we're putting him to sleep. He will also sing "temple song temple song" as he plays.
He is so kind to others. He shares toys, is good at trading and is really gentle with other kids. He also is tidy and likes to clean up. If he sees his toys or books are a mess he starts singing "clean up clean up (everybody everywhere, clean up clean up everybody do your share)" and puts everything away.
One of my goals as a mom is to help him feel empathy for others. We talk about feelings a lot and point them out in books and people. It makes me so happy when he sees a kid crying and he says, "She's sad. She's so sad", and then brings something to make her happy. He loves to see happy babies. As we pass them he proudly tells me "Happy baby! Baby happy!"
Everything is "self! self!" (Do it myself) In and out of the car (even our SUV) carseat, high chair, getting things himself, etc.
While I was deleting pictures on the computer Benjamin saw a picture of himself and ran to my lap saying "There's cutie Benjamin!"
He tells children of any age to be quiet and shushes them when they're loud.
When I was rocking and singing to him one night he took my face in his hands and whispered in my ear, "I love baby Kaferyn" (Charity's baby).
Coming back from our family reunion in Utah we stopped at Taco Bell. We're new to getting Benjamin his own food instead of sharing with him. I ordered him a cheesy bean and rice burrito and thought that would be fine. As he took his first couple bites he made a nasty face and said "spicy!" I didn't even know he knew that word. He surprises us every day.
He is pretty much potty-trained at home. We've had some challenges with consistency with all our traveling, but as long as we remember to put his underwear on (or let him go without anything), he goes in his potty chair all on his own. He rarely has an accident. However, as soon as we put a diaper on him it's free game to go in it. He doesn't tell us when he needs to go. It will be interesting figuring out how to potty train while he's sleeping and when we go out.
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