There was a rare thunderstorm here while Lamoni was gone. The first time a big thunder sounded Benjamin looked around trying to figure out what happened. Finally he went to the window and said laughingly "daddy daddy". He knows it's daddy who usually causes the big sounds here!
As I think I've mentioned before, I play YouTube videos of cellists often so Benjamin will fall in love with the cello and be okay with it when we force him to choose that instrument. :-) Well, the other day in the car I had on a string orchestra. When the low strings played he excitedly yelled "Cello!!" I was so pleased.
When we're in the car we like to have Benjamin repeat things we say - more out of amusement than anything. Well, we sang do re mi fa sol la ti do and had him repeat each syllable (when I get it on video I'll post it). He did it really well, but when he got to sol he said "soap! water! soap!" If that weren't cute enough, when we got to the last do he of course was off pitch, but he altered it until he matched our do!
We also have him repeat parts of prayers. The other day at lunch I guess we were taking too long because all on his own he folded his arms and said "Father" and then mumbled a bunch of stuff. He also repeated for the first time an entire prayer with Lamoni while I was at orchestra rehearsal Friday night. Usually as soon as we say Jesus he gets distracted because he runs to a picture of Jesus instead of finishing the prayer. Lamoni thinks he was too tired that night because it was pretty late, so he just cooperated. :-)