Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Highlight of My Day

I had Benjamin at the bank with me the other day. I was opening another account so I had to wait 45 minutes (!) to see a personal banker. You can imagine how Benjamin was after waiting so long. So when we finally got in the office he was up to his toddler-ness - trying to slam the door, grab things, throw things etc. As I left his office dragging a screaming Benjamin I apologized to the man. He told me, "It was no problem! It was the highlight of my day. Really." That really impacted me. All throughout my errands people were staring at him - laughing at his silly antics, pushing his toy car back to him, talking to him... I get to live with and be with him (almost) all the time. Is he the highlight of my day? I think I could honestly answer that yes, he is. I love all my time with him; I love holding him, playing with him, nursing him, taking him places, feeding him and teasing him. The only times I get frustrated are when he should be sleeping and isn't or when I really need to be sleeping but can't because he's up. But even then, I would still call those times with him a highlight of my day. I'm glad that the banker helped me realize that.

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