Thursday, December 11, 2014


Helping me make waffles.He likes to stir and dump things for me.

Daddy time

The favorite box ride. The best toy ever.

Trying to get a picture of him in his beanie for Lamoni but he was fussy. I said "say hi to daddy!" so he was looking for daddy. 

Shopping in style.

Yes, I resorted to something I hoped I'd never do - strapping him to his high chair and turning on "doggy cartoons". I was pretty desperate, though, because I was accompanying 2 full recitals and long piece in a 3rd recital and I had to learn my music! He loves the piano so much that whenever I sit at it he wants to be there too...not the most efficient way to learn music. I only did it a couple times, though. :-) Here he is leading the music to the intro.

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