Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cute things

Benjamin likes to play with cars but we didn't have any until recently so he grabs any of his toys and makes a car sound while he "drives" it around the floor! I wonder what noises boys made before cars.

We had some friends over who are pregnant with their first baby. They aren't all that baby-proofing savvy yet, so we had to help them learn how to open the cabinets etc. Well, the husband didn't lock the trash cupboard after he was in it so it was propped open just a tiny bit. Benjamin spotted it right away and sped-crawled to the cupboard and almost got the trash down by the time we caught him. And I was hoping to take those annoying locks off thinking he would just adapt to not opening certain cupboards. Yeah right!

Benjamin with the Coles and Brita's baby.

He, Jared and Benjamin are all October babies.

Benjamin waters the garden with Lamoni every day. As soon as he hears the back door slide open he zooms to it and throws a fit if Lamoni goes out there without him.

Hanging out with Daddy.

He officially has fallen down his first flight of stairs. Luckily it was a split level. He was at Faith and Jason's house and they said he got to the stairs before they even realized he had left. He can go up stairs just fine but not down them!

Grandpa Sam was in Bernallio on his way home from a job so Lamoni and Benjamin met and had lunch with him while I was teaching.

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