Here are some pictures. There are a lot more I will hopefully post soon.
One cute story first: We've been trying to put Benjamin to sleep in the crib by patting his back/bottom and singing to him. He lays down without a fuss, but it still takes a long time and then he doesn't stay asleep very long, so we're still working on it. Well, yesterday I tried just patting without singing, so *he* started singing! So cute! Once I began singing he stopped. Then today I was holding his arms down (they go crazy and keep him awake) so I couldn't pat him. He kept wiggling his bottom in a funny way, so I pat his bottom and he immediately stopped. He sure likes consistency!
Playing in the front yard. I wish we had grass! He loves trying to eat the rocks.
This is how Benjamin makes his way around the house - pushing whatever he can find with the honey stick in his mouth, going from one "naughty station" (see behind him) to another. A friend from church recently taught us about naughty stations and I'm so glad to finally have a term for the areas he gravitates towards where he leaves his mark of mass destruction. They include: 1. the kitchen drawers 2. the kitchen cabinets (both of which I left unlocked so he could occupy himself while I'm busy in there) 3. the bookshelf 4. the toilet 5. the bathroom cupboard 6. the food storage closet. He is perfectly content cruising from one to the next for large periods of time.
Naughty station #3
His knees, tops and bottoms of feet are almost always dirty now
Eating blueberries in the morning with Olivia and Emily, who stayed the night with us while their mom was in the hospital
At Hannah's house for a play group - Emily and Olivia got to come along
Maya and her mom invited us to go to the Explora museum with them. It was definitely a hit. The baby room is amazing. I think we will be getting a year pass very soon.
Watching the balls
The baby room: He was in heaven. The whole playground area was accessible for crawling and climbing. I don't think he came to me even once in almost 2 hours!
Lots of different stations with blocks, things to turn, switch, open, touch, knock over...
He was invited to his first birthday party! Ryan Thurgood, from church, turned 1 this month.
Ruth and Yoshi were also there. They will be a fun nursery group next year!
Boys will be boys...even when they're still babies
Getting into things with cousin, Jared, already
Bathtime is a favorite
After crawling in the water and drinking some accidentally
Brushing hair is a new favorite. One of the few times he sits still is when we brush his hair. Then he's frozen with a look of sheer pleasure on his face.