We went to Bloomfield for Melinda's birthday. Courtney and her kids came down from Utah for it as well.
Gabriella and Christopher holding the babies
The amazing ice cream cake that Courtney made.
He's only happy when I eat if I let him feel very involved.
Where's Benjamin?
We take turns with Benjamin at church since we both teach.
Family Picture
My mom, Faith and I drove to Grand Junction, CO for Nonie Birkedahl's funeral. She was our first music teacher and taught us all a ton. We spent many hours at her house. It was nice to see lots of people from GJ and have some closure since I was in Oklahoma when my family moved!
The boys had a fun time together
I love these faces!
He takes such good naps with other people! Here Joy is babysitting him while I teach.
Playing with his toys
Lamoni is really good at getting him asleep. And himself asleep.
Feeling all grown up in his new high chair
Next baby we are getting a swing like the one Faith and Jason have. He takes such good naps in it!
At the Unser Racing Museum. The museum is only 3 minutes from our house and it's pretty neat! I had no idea we had something so cool so close.
Lamoni had spring break last week so on one of the two free days he had we drove up to Sandia crest. We couldn't walk around much because they hadn't cleared the trails of snow, but we had a nice picnic and enjoyed the fresh air.
On our trip to Denver for a business conference. I forgot the nipple to the bottle and we weren't able to stop and feed him when he wanted. I tried having him drink out of the bottle like a cup but he didn't like that very much. So he resorted to this.
When that failed to satisfy him and we had 40 minutes still before we could stop to feed him I bit out of my apple and let him suck on it. That was his first "food"! It kept him busy the full 40 minutes. Later that night Lamoni let him suck on a strawberry he bit out of. I don't want him to eat til he can eat our real food. No baby food making for me!!
Playing peek-a-boo can be a dangerous thing when he has long nails.
This is what he tries to do when we wrap him up to go to sleep....get an arm out. He is so proud of himself when he's able to do it!
His new thing is sucking on his bottom lip. I'm worried it'll get a sore but it's his favorite thing to do and of course there's no stopping him!
After teaching one morning at 7 a.m. I came back to this! (note how Benjamin has already started the sideways sleeping position)