Thursday, February 20, 2014

Europe Trip - Rome

I'm finally having the time to put the pictures up from our trip because Benjamin is actually asleep! It is 6:14 p.m. It's the first time he's slept the ENTIRE day (10 minutes during one of my lessons earlier doesn't count). I'm pretty sure 4 month old babies are supposed to sleep more than that!! Anyway, here is Rome. Lorenzo and Sara drove us there and spent the rest of the afternoon with us sight-seeing. Then we spent a few more days. It was still touristy for January but at least it wasn't sweltering hot like in the summertime!

The Vatican

The Colloseum. I think this was one of Lamoni's favorite sites in Rome.

The Roman Forum
A museum that was absolutely gorgeous
 Benjamin eating and getting his diaper changed on the steps of a cathedral. Rome wasn't very baby friendly! I don't think I ever saw a changing table.

I'm sure there are more Rome pictures I want to post, but I'll leave it at these so I can finally get this up!

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