Sunday, May 21, 2023

January 2023


Liam builds train tracks most days still.

The boys read books in bed if they get to bed early enough.

Lamoni is master of Liam's bedtime routine.

And with behavior talks...

And waiting patiently on the side of the road with Liam while he finishes his screaming fits...
And Sunday morning routines.

We have 4 bedrooms in the house, and 6 beds, and yet these two boys are found asleep together in a twin bed sometimes!

Liam loves to get up in the morning, grab his stool and go around downstairs turning on all the lights. Then he sits down for some breakfast.

We have some neighbor children from church who come over often. The older boys are sooo helpful with them!

Lamoni lets the boys drive home on our street.

Liam is almost as interested in cars as he is in trains.

Liam and Jocie!

A brother burrito

He is probably pretending to be some sort of animal here.

Homeschool group at the library for a first aid demonstration. All the boys were sitting together so well and I was on the other side of the room chatting with the moms. It was like a different life is starting!

Not sure which animal he is here, but he's almost always in imagination land.

One of Lamoni's delicious pies!

We took the boys to a Chinese restaurant. We hadn't been to a sit-down restaurant in a while and they did so well! They sat there politely and tried all the food. I was so proud of them!

We were in Charlotte for a conference and Lamoni had way too much fun teasing my mom.

Liam inspecting the Kitchen Aid mixer trying to figure out how it works.

Homeschool activity at the Indian Cultural Center.

Lamoni does all the boys' hair each Sunday.

I had to document this, because he rarely falls asleep on me any more.

Another animal in a cage.

Mel and Melinda stayed a couple weeks. It was sad to see them go!

Benjamin and Peter playing a duet.

Liam usually won't take care of babies (he insists he still is one), but Jocelyn asked him to feed her and he did!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

December 2022

 Once again I uploaded the pictures backwards. Here is the New Years Eve party we hosted. My grandma, Lamoni's parents, grandma and aunt, and all my local family were there.

We had quite the spread of food!

Lots of games...

This was Liam's big exciting thing for New Years. He didn't even leave it for a few minutes.

We went to Top Golf while Grandma Bear and Sybrina were in town (and Mel and Melinda still too). It was soo much fun! 

Grammy also came for a few weeks. We got to spend good time with her while my mom and dad were busy. 

This is a book about animals from Joy - the perfect gift for these boys!

Benjamin drew these nutcrackers freehand! I love them so much.

Don't Eat Pete! A fun game that Melinda brought.

The kids enjoyed eating and playing in the house Deruchette gave us for Christmas.

Lamoni's Aunt Marilyn brought Grandma Mary down to visit for a day. Sadly her memory is going and she didn't remember who everyone was, but we still enjoyed spending time with her.

It's possible the adults spent more time coloring the house than the kids did...

We did Christmas at Charity's house and Kathryn organized a 

Mel helped Lamoni replace our stair chandelier. It was lots of fun to watch.

Joy gave multiple gifts to all her nieces and nephews. It was like Christmas morning all over again!

Joy read Liam the books that Grammy gave him.

Lots of lego building on Christmas!

Grandma and Papa gave the boys laser guns.

Grammy always gives the boys books for Christmas, and they're so fun to pick out.

Attempting to put together the house Deruchette gave us.

Christmas morning!

Liam had asked for this airplane for his birthday after seeing Dantes'. We couldn't find it then, but he never stopped talking about it. By chance I found it and he would've been happy to just get that for Christmas! It's nearly May right now and he still has it with him almost 24/7. 

Kathryn and Jacob hosted Christmas Eve.

The kids did their traditional nativity play.

We had a huge charcuterie board spread.

Lamoni made probably 15-20 pies over the holiday season!

The boys have been setting up a pizza stand.

Liam's good friend down the street. They go to church with us and it's been so nice to have them nearby!

We did a 2 month trial of martial arts. The boys really liked it but we want to try out a few other places before making a big commitment.

Lots of Santa playing happened this month.

Our ward Christmas party

Kathryn and Nathaniel came to our party.

Liam loves my dad soooo much!

Liam will play with melting beads for 30-45 minutes easily.

Benjamin learned how to make my cranberry bread which has been sooo nice, since I give a loaf to just about everyone. Unfortunately there was a little accident with a bread pan - sadly after he had already made and filled it!

Scripture picture book reenactments

Benjamin won 2nd place in our homeschool group car race for the older age division.

Preschool at Haizley's house. He insisted he wanted to go to school, then a few months later he insisted he didn't want to go to school anymore...

Post-church Sunday nap

One of the families in our homeschool group has chickens that Liam loved while we did an activity at their house.

Choir practice at our house - I love Liam's hangout spot.

Visiting primary getting ready to leave nursery in January. Fast forward to May, and Liam still won't go to primary happily!

We went to Charity's church Christmas party, which is always catered by Olive Garden!

Liam intently told him about the "Delta airplane" that he has consistently asked for (and ended up getting).

Last day of their homeschool coop with the Barelas group.