Sunday, March 20, 2022

January 2022

Liam has been the sweetest, most adorable toddler lately. He's cheerful most of the time and loves to be held and cuddled. A total 180 from previous Liam-toddler. When he gets up in the morning he cheerfully says "I slept all night!" He is sleeping all night and is speaking in full sentences, which probably helps his mood. If we get him down by 7:30 he'll easily go down then and sleep until I get home from seminary - about 7:15. He takes a 2 hour nap around 1. 

Some of his favorite things are singing songs, especially Twinkle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Wheels on the Bus. He likes me to sing I Am a Child of God when he goes to sleep and he rubs my face while I rub his head. He sleeps with 3-5 stuffed animals and just about as many blankets. He is all about routine and does not like things changed up on him.

We left him at Charity's house for a weekend in January while we flew to Baltimore for a business training. I was so worried his happy disposition would leave when we got back because the only other time we left him for a weekend he made us suffer for weeks afterwards. However Charity said he did great and he didn't change at all when we got home! I made a list of foods that he will eat for when he stayed at Charity's house and we're up to 20 foods now! It's hard to expand that list because he absolutely will not, no matter what, try new foods. He would rather starve and wake up all night screaming because he's hungry then take a bite of a food that's not on the list. 

He is still attached to Lamoni and excitedly runs to the garage as soon as he gets home and doesn't leave his side after that. He loves the movie Encanto and is easily scared by movies. As soon as the TV (yes, we caved and have a TV now) is turned on he runs to us saying he's scared. Poor guy. We don't watch scary things...he's frightened even by kids' shows like Frozen and Cars. 

He always has cars with him.

Benjamin helping Peter with typing.

Cousin time at Grandma's house

Ice from our water table.


Flying to Baltimore

Yogurt + snot = cute toddler face

He humors the older boys sometimes.
I've been playing with the NM Philharmonic every couple of weeks lately. I was super excited when they asked me to play a concert accompanying world-famous violinist, Midori.

This is from 8 years ago when I met Midori after a concert in Santa Fe.

Liam "stole" this toy from Grandma's house. It didn't leave his side night and day for about a week and then he totally forgot about it.

Peter fell asleep at family dinner at my parents' house. It's very unusual for Peter to fall asleep somewhere.

It's been fun watching these two play more together.

Lots of superheroes all the time...

At Urban Air

Penne pasta with pesto sauce is one of Liam's 20 approved foods. He will not eat any other type of pasta, or any other type of sauce.

Playing during the boys' Thursday classes. I usually teach during it so he can't stay and play, but this week I didn't.

One day when the boys were in classes I met up with one of Liam's friend to Explora.

Peter lives 95% of his life in an imaginary world.

Lamoni's uncle has been on hospice, so his grandma and aunt came to Albuquerque to visit him. They stopped by for dinner and Lamoni was able to ask his Grandma about 45 minutes of questions about her life. His aunt translated and he was able to record it all!

We played a game Lamoni's parents gave us that is similar to charades but with short plots. The boys had a blast.

Benjamin came down one night dressed as somebody. I just can't remember who... :-/

Sunday, March 13, 2022

December 2021

Christmas morning spoils.

The boys made a Harry Potter corner with all their Harry Potter things.

Benjamin and Kathryn had a joint book recital. Benjamin went first (he graduated from book 4!), then Katheryn, and then they played Christmas duets. It was adorable.

Benjamin chose jello and ice cream for the refreshments afterward.

It was fun to have all the cousins here for it.

Opening presents from Grandma and Bampa. They weren't able to come because they were still recovering from Covid.

We left early one morning and drove to Bloomfield so Lamoni could put in a new bathroom floor for her.

The boys got good playtime and movie time in while I visited and Lamoni worked.

Sunday dinner with my family.

We have a membership to Urban Air and they have a massive zipline that goes around the building. Peter is a full head too short to do it, but has always wanted to. One day we told him to just go try it and see if they'd let him. He walked up with such confidence and asked for the harness. They didn't even question it and he's done it at least 20 times since!

He's going so fast he's blurry.

Lots of santa play happened in December.

Forts in their bedroom.

The boys like to follow along in the hymnbook while we sing at church.

Feeding the fish at Jacob and Kathryn's house.

Our ward Christmas party

Telling Santa what he wants at Charity and Jarrett's ward Christmas party

Acting out Jesus teaching people.

Jesus on the ship stilling the storm.

Celebrating Christmas with Grandma Bear and Sybrina

We went to go watch some friends perform in the Nutcracker Ballet. About 30 minutes in Peter leans forward then jerked to me and asked, "Is this real life??"

Christmas cookies from our neighbors.

Look at those good haircuts Lamoni gave the boys.

Peter the Elf

Christmas bookies decorated at a friend's house. 

Peter eats about 3 apples, 2 other pieces of fruit, 2-3 carrots, and celery every day.

Presents from students of mine.

We heard about this amazing Christmas house in Albuquerque. It was a winter wonderland. At the end of the path there was Santa with hundreds and hundreds of gifts and the kids could pick any gift they wanted. The family buys the gifts all themselves throughout the year and sit outside for 3 hours every night for 3 weeks! Hundreds and hundreds of kids come through every year.

Those Christmas trees are covered in gifts. The entire room was full of gifts.

A Christmas train village they had on display.

Cousin time at Jacob and Kathryn's house

The cookies the boys left for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Christmas morning they got Han Solo costumes.

Santa brought Liam a ride-on car.

This was the first year the boys bought each other gifts. It was really special to see them more excited about the gift they gave than what they received.

Liam quickly claimed the model cars the boys got.

 Liam named this truck "Mack" after the semi in the movie, Cars. It is now March and he still sleeps with it every night and it rarely leaves his side.

Joy came over to do Christmas morning with us.

Playing with one of the boys' cars they built.

Lamoni made his first pumpkin and apple pie.

Faith and her kids came after Christmas.

Papa is one of the few people who can win Liam over.