Sunday, August 15, 2021

January 2021

I'm not putting this together til August, so I don't remember much about these pictures!

Some of Benjamin's teeth have been very stubborn to pull out. We bribed him with $5 to let us finally get it out because it would've cost $100 at the dentist and it needed to come out because his adult tooth was behind it.

Taking Christmas down. It was up sooo long. We put Christmas up early November because we needed something cheery with Covid.

It's nice when Liam is in a friendly mood. It's happening more and more often.

Everyone must all sit on the same seat as mom.

Battle of the wills. Neither won.

He *finally* fell asleep for his nap...standing up!

Twins! Lamoni and Liam (Lamoni Jr)

We went sledding but couldn't find a snowsuit in time at the store. In our church congregation there were 5 girls born around the time Liam was, and no boys! So we borrowed a suit from one of them.

There were a few accidents and tears, but mostly fun. This was still back when we had to wear masks outside. Lugging a sled up a hill with a mask on and holding a baby is no joke. 

We went with our home school group.

The boys are still big into NYC since our trip - here's the Empire State Building.

Benjamin makes all kinds of costumes for Peter.

Helping Superman fly.

The picture on the left was taken seconds before the picture on the right happened. He must've hit a wood chip just right. He surprisingly didn't cry very much but there was blood EVERYWHERE. We booked it home, which was sad because we were supposed to meet some friends at the park.

This is how Lamoni "works" during Covid.