Peter is still in the stage where he says the cutest things. I wonder if he'll just be in this stage forever. The way he tried to relate to time is hilarious. There's often terms like "Remember when we went to this park last year?" when he means yesterday etc. Tonight he said "On the day that wasn't this day. The day that was before Utah" referring when we took family pictures in October.
Also, in his prayer tonight: "Please bless that we'll have a good day next year, and that we'll have a good day on the other next year."
Liam loves Alexa almost as much as Peter does. He'll babble at her trying to get her to play songs. His favorite is Barbara Ann.
Family Home Evening should be called Daddy Home Evening
Benjamin loves to play games with the adults. All the kids will be playing at family gatherings, and he's sitting at the table with us.
Our family was asked to do a musical number for our stake virtual Christmas concert. We bribed Peter with a cookie to sing the whole time. It was adorable. I set the cookies and sprinkles in his line of sight so he could remember the whole song. Someone came over and recorded us. It only took 1 take, and then Peter got to decorate his cookie. :-)
Home school group at the river
I give the boys a chore each day. Peter learned how to fold laundry and it's one of his favorite chores now.
We went to Utah to visit for a week. It was SO exciting to finally go on a road trip again!
We stopped by Grandma Bear's to visit.
Liam was enthralled with Molly.
There was a huge storm and the roads were terrible. Poor Lamoni had to drive the whole way. I haven't driven on snow in probably 15 years...
We stopped at Courtney's house on the way and Lamoni got some sleep, then we finished the last 2 hours to Grandma and Bampa's house.
They had a perfectly placed staircase for Liam to reach the Christmas tree.
After that we went to Faith and Jason's for a few days. I don't think I saw the boys more than a handful of times because they were off playing nonstop.
Benjamin had his book 3 recital. On the left is his audience (as well as Grammy and someone else joining on Zoom), and the right is dinner and dessert afterwards. He chose jello as his recital dessert.
Peter will find a way to win no matter what - even if it takes 2 arms during a arm wrestle.
Liam got to know Grandma and Bampa
Peter showing Brooke how to do cool tricks.
There was sooo much snow and it was freezing!!
Faith gave Peter a piano lesson. He still refers to her as his teacher. "Will you make a video of this song to send my teacher?"
Jared, Benjamin, Uriah and Peter
"I'm George Washington"
Next we headed back to Courtney's for the last few days. Again, we hardly ever saw the kids. They had SO much fun.
Joseph and Liam got off to a great start. They are about a month apart in age. Liam Joseph and Joseph Lee. :-)
Peter and Amelia are a few months apart
Benjamin giving more performances
Peter learned how to play video games
Cousin hugs with Dantes, Creek and Benjamin before we loaded up to go home.
We missed the Santa at the ward Christmas party because of our Utah trip, but as the primary president I have connections and we got a surprise visitor after church one day.
Opening the goods from Santa
Decorating cookies at Charity's house
Uncle Michael likes to stick the boys on things - the tree, fridges... Peter may have been a little terrified every time he came near, but Michael took him on an uncle date and made it better.
Lamoni training the boys to lay on the heater with a blanket in the morning.
Decorating gingerbread houses at Grandma's house with Grammy who came to visit.
Lots of game and dessert nights... Til we found out Mommy and Daddy had Covid at the time. Only Michael and Audrey caught it somehow.
Christmas after Santa came
Christmas morning was epic as usual. The biggest hit was a tossup between the scooters and the 5 gallon bucket of legos that Santa brought.
Strata and waffles for Christmas breakfast
We went to my parents for Christmas dinner. Grammy came to visit despite Covid. This was a day or two before Mommy tested positive for Covid. Miraculously Grammy did not get it even though we was staying with them.
I was soooo sad that my family history time with Grammy was cut short. We are so productive in perso and would spend as many hours together as we could.
Playing the game Villainous that we gave Benjamin.
Kathryn came on a walk to break in Liam's new stroller and the boys scooters.
Mommy wasn't feeling well here but thought it was her asthma.
We all played at our ward's Christmas program, and then Charity had some people in her program cancel last minute for Covid exposure so we filled in her for her program too. Here Charity and Kathryn are playing a song in her ward.
Lots of games were played.
More Alexa
Benjamin was really sad that Santa didn't bring the one thing he had consistently asked for for Christmas. A few days after Christmas the mail came with a note from Santa that the toy wasn't ready in time for Christmas. Peter was as excited as Benjamin.
Peter is still a little boy inside and loves to snuggle and be rocked! Sometimes when he's having a hard time I'll take him to the baby's room and rock and sing to him. He'll usually fall right asleep. I'm so glad he'll still cuddle.