He *loves* cheese. He'll eat an entire string cheese and still want more. He also likes yogurt. Most other foods he'll try a bite or two of but then loses interest. He still nurses every 2 hours during the night but last night Lamoni was able to get him back asleep at 1 am (after I nursed him at 11 pm) and he slept all the way til 4 am!! I should feel great today, except that when I fed him at 4 my body thought it was time to be wide awake since I had so many hours of sleep in a row! So I couldn't fall back asleep til 5:30. 😏 I'm hopeful that we'll see progress with his sleeping now though.
When Peter was a baby and slept like a dream, I remember reading a blog post from when Benjamin was a baby that said I hasn't slept more than 4 hours in a row by the time he was 10 months old. I was so judgmental of my myself thinking, "why did I let it get that bad?? Why didn't I do something about it?" Well here we are with Benjamin's mini-me. I would be thrilled with 3 hours of sleep... I can't imagine 4!! And nothing works. Nothing. We can let him cry for hours and when he finally goes to sleep he'll wake up 20 minutes later. He also won't take a bottle. Here's a typical night for Liam:
7-8 pm Put him to bed (he goes down just fine)
10:30 wake up to nurse. If I don't nurse him then he'll scream bloody murder till he eventually falls asleep an hour or two later but then he'll wake up 20 minutes later screaming.
12 a.m. Give up on trying to get him to sleep without nursing. Get up to nurse. I still haven't gone to sleep yet.
2 a.m. Wakes up again to nurse. Repeat above unless I nurse him. I usually just bring him to bed with me at this point so we're not up til 4 with him screaming.
6 a.m. Lamoni's alarm goes off so I nurse the baby again then put him in his crib.
7:30 a.m. Wakes up to nurse then is up.
It's a vicious cycle. Sometimes I get hopeful that we're making progress, though. Teething doesn't help.
Anyway, besides getting lots of opportunities to practice being nice when I'm tired, things are going well. 3 kids is definitely harder than 2, though.
Since Liam is so similar to Benjamin and Benjamin said "Jesus" when he was 10 months old, we all went on a quest to teach Liam how to say Jesus too. Well, we did it!! It's adorable. He loves the pictures of Jesus we have the wall and says "Zhee zhus". He always says it in a strong whisper (he loves speaking in a whisper) and raises his hand to the sky everytime when he says it. It's adorable. It's like his own special baby sign of Jesus.
He started doing more baby signs and love to wave goodbye. He babbles a lot in conversation with us and mimics sounds and movements we make. He's a little observing parrot and is learning so much! He is always moving and investigating. He knows every single cupboard that does not have a baby lock on it and screams in protest when a door is closed in front of him.