He loves to sing. He likes "We will we will ROCK you!", Give Said the Little Stream, Gethsemane (he calls it "money"), and all of Benjamin's cello songs. He sings and asks to listen to music all the time.
Benjamin is currently learning Allegretto on the cello. We practice 5 mornings a week and he is making excellent progress. Each morning we do about 20-30 minutes in the Good and the Beautiful kindergarten book I got him.
I just found this quote from April in my phone. Benjamin was staring at a picture of Jesus. I asked him what he was thinking about and he said "When I look at Jesus' picture I feel the Spirit and I want to choose the right." It could've come out of a primary manual.
We had a fun time heart attacking a sister I minister to.
Grandma Kara gave Peter this fun train track for his birthday.
I came into the kitchen after teaching to this. He's very independent.
Luckily this was on our way to the car wash. He will not eat out of a bowl in the car, he has to dump it first.
Posing at the car wash.
We went to some event at a park. I don't know what it was for but it was fun!
We live about 8 minutes from the church building and the boys usually fall asleep on the way home.
We love Sundays with Daddy.
Yes. That is what you think it is.
I was so impressed with a dinner I made it deserved a picture - enchiladas and rice/beans.
Peter and baby Brooke (pronounced Butt by Peter)
Puzzle time
This is the boys' art table. This picture shows the mess that is almost always there, no matter my organizational ideas with it.
"I Ironman"
Throwing a fit because Benjamin used "the force" to open the automatic door before he did.
He went through a phase of locking and closing the bedroom doors to see if he could unlock them. He couldn't. Nor could I. I've probably taken 5 door knobs off with the drill in a 2 week period.
The husband of one of my students took Peter under his wing during a student recital. Peter sat on his lap 45 minutes without a peep. He loves grandpas! And grandmas. When we're out whenever he sees an older lady he calls out "Hi grandma!!" (pronounced Dama)
Watching Nathaniel and Katheryn. She and Peter had a good time keeping Nathaniel occupied.
We finally cut his hair. So sad to part with his curls, but they were frizz most of the time.
Sporting his new haircut AND big boy underwear!
We brought Katheryn to the splash pad with us. I don't think Peter touched the water even once.