Saturday, September 12, 2015


I didn't realize how few pictures I took in August until I went to blog it! I guess there will be more writing and less pictures this time.

At the zoo with Isa and Charlie. It was sooooooooo hot!!!! Never again during a summer day.

Going to the bathroom in style. Benjamin had gotten to the point where he would go the entire day without an accident - naps and errands included. However, between trips and figuring out he could get my attention with accidents he's been having quite a few of them. It's hard not to get frustrated because we know he can do it. I discovered that somehow my teaching load had crept up to 30 students! I would say that 40 students is a full time profession. I am starting to refer the ones I can to other teachers so he doesn't have to fight for my attention so badly. It's very hard to let students go, though. I've also been trying to have 30 minute segments where I don't do anything except be with him (no phone, tasks, computer etc). I figure if I can do that with students I should be able to do it with him too. One of the segments is self-directed play (this is what I get for being married to a counselor). Those days go great. He doesn't have the tantrums and isn't clingy like the other days I'm so busy. 

Weaning was pretty hard on him (at 18 months). I think he would still be nursing if I hadn't weaned him then. He knows milk is for babies so here he is nursing his baby!! Lamoni promptly put a stop to that and educated him on the fact that daddy's don't nurse their babies. I thought it was adorable.

Still his favorite place to play. Unfortunately he has figured out how to put the keys in the ignition. He's still rear-facing in his car seat so I can't imagine how he knows what to do. 

I took this because all the other wives on FB were posting pictures of their husbands leaving for school. Lamoni has 2 semesters left til he's done forever! For the first time in history he likes every single one of his classes (he admitted to that only grudgingly) and LOVES his internship at the VA. Maybe I already bragged about him on this, but the VA is the only paid social work internship here. They receive about 80 applicants and accept only 2 - and yes, Lamoni was one of those 2. It's nice to have him come home every day happy and excited, compared to these last few years of school!

I read in one of Dr. Rosemond's parenting book that toddlers should be read to at least 30 minutes a day. I wish I had 30 minutes a day NOT reading to Benjamin! Some days I feel like that's all I do with him - sit on the couch and read. Book after book after book...20 times each it seems. I have a game with myself to see how far in the books I can go reciting them with my eyes closed.

Play dough and making pancakes.

I hadn't done any letters with Benjamin (besides B of course) when I saw this book. I showed him a B and asked what it was. He said "B" immediately. I was curious if somehow he knew A and C so I said "What's this? He hesitated a second then said "Purple triangle!" and for C he said "Blue circle!" He now can tell me A, B and C, but that was sooo cute.

At Explora at the station he would rather stay the entire time at. I can't wait to get him a train table!

At the park with daddy. He's probably asking for kisses on his hands after falling down.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

August Family Reunion

We had a fun month in August. It started out with a week-long family reunion with the Sam's. Here are some pictures of that.
All of the Sam grand kids except for a couple.

Yay for campfires and s'mores! 

Benjamin's favorite hiking place. He did not like to walk when he could be carried. 

Our caravan of cars going to Brian's Head where we stayed the second part of the week. We are the last 5 of these cars, and a couple more cars came up later.

Benjamin and Jared

At our cabin where we had about 25 people staying!

Performing in the family talent show with Aunt Deruchette's help. He even took a bow afterwards!

We got to go on a ski lift (or airplane as Benjamin called it). It was pretty cold but beautiful!

Here is the view.

He rode up with Grandma and Bampa and then all of us rode down together.

Lamoni, Deruchette and Jason jumped off of this insanely high crane onto a big air mattress-type thing. This was the first jump. The second jump they put the crane as high as it could go! Deruchette said it was scarier than sky-diving.

Trying to get some couple pictures because we don't have many since Benjamin came along...

We went to an awesome splash pad. It was pretty amazing. Unfortunately it was Benjamin's first one so the bar has been set pretty high and I don't think Albuquerque's splash pads will quite compare.


At This Is the Place Heritage Park. I HIGHLY recommend it. It is a full pioneer village with so many fun activities and things to do. You could spend a couple days there.

Watching a Native American dancing show at The Place. On the right hand side the children could pan for gold in the stream next to the boat.

On a train ride

Eating "Brigham's donuts" at The Place

Another train ride. Benjamin LOVES trains and gets so excited to see them normally, but he must have been overstimulated or something because he was very somber. 

Making prints into leather (really just banging the hammer)