Friday, February 13, 2015

January '15

Model shots :-)

The boys enjoyed their cake a little too much!

15 month old - cutisms

I kept this post up all month and added to it as I thought of things that I wanted to remember about Benjamin at this age. So here is a smorgasbord of stories!

*He says amen at the end of prayers. While he's saying the prayer he clasps his hands (he's still a little too chubby for his arms to fold easily), bows his head so his chubby cheeks are squished and bats his eyes while looking at us. It's a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e. I'm guessing he bats his eyes because we always peek at him during prayer so that's probably what we look like to him! If he gets impatient while we're saying the prayer and does other things, as soon as we say amen he folds his arms again as if he had been doing it the whole time. Often if we're about to eat something he'll remind us we need to say prayer by getting ready - even if it's a snack!

*He now cries himself back to sleep at night! Hallelujah! We put him down at 9 (ehem. sometimes. sometimes later) and he sleeps til 6. He still wakes up a few times but cries himself back to sleep within a few minutes. This is breakthrough history. I cannot tell you how much of a miracle it is. It's also so nice to get some sleep!

*If he's not getting the attention he needs/wants he comes to me, reaches his hand up and says "han". Then he leads me around the house and shows things to me and talks nonstop (he usually talks nonstop anyway).

*Another new thing is "counting". He thinks he says "one two three wee" but what comes out is "two two two wee!" He also recently started counting things as he points at them "two two two two". He loves when there are two of things. It's obviously his favorite number. Two pieces of food, two cookies, two toys etc. But only one sock. It's so weird. He can't stand to have both socks on.

*When he gives kisses he goes "muAH". Every time. Even if he's screaming and you say "give me kisses it will be "scream" "muah" "scream". At night he gives me kisses and then waves "bye Ma" before Lamoni puts him down.

*He loves to play outside. When we ask "do you want to go outside?" he yells "SIDE!" and runs to the door. He will get his shoes and jacket for us to put on him when we ask. He really enjoys going on walks and peeking at the dogs through the cracks in the fences.

*I feel like this has been the winter of sicknesses. There seems to be only a few weeks break in between the next one. He just got over a cough, runny nose and fever. It was pretty stubborn and he had it for for a week. He gave me the adult version of it and it was just as stubborn for me. :-(

*He loves to sing The Wheels on the Bus and do the actions to it.

*One of his favorite activities these days is "driving the car". He sits in the drivers seat and pretend to drive (with sound effects and all) for 20-30 minutes. It's how I get my reading done usually. The other day he turned to me and said, "uh keys?" with his hand out. I obviously didn't give them to him but then he tried to stick a screwdriver where the keys go. How does he know? He sits rear-facing in the back!!

*Yesterday we were doing laundry and as I took out the clean clothes Benjamin grabbed a bunch in his arms. I said "let's fold the clothes!" He then folded his arms with the laundry in them, bowed his head and closed his eyes to say prayer. I was confused until I realized the only time we say "fold" is to "fold your arms for prayer." So cute!

*Some days he is a good eater and other days he just will not eat ANYTHING. Anything healthy that is. He quickly learned how to say "cookie" after Grandma Sam sent home a box of Trader Joes ginger snap cookies for us. When we give him food on his difficult days he adamantly shakes his head no and says "cookie? cookie?" It's like he has this innate sense of what's healthy and what's not. He somehow knows that green vegetables are good for him and are to be avoided at all costs but a pink shake is something he should beg for.